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    10 centuries


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    the Vessel

    of Cevennes

A not-for-profit association

Since 1969, a handful of impas­sioned and inhab­i­tants of the vil­lage, decided not to attend the falling down of one of the greatest mon­u­ment of their area launch get involved in the restora­tion of the castle.


The asso­ci­a­tion “Renaissance du Château de Portes” (R.C.P.) was cre­ated in 1972. At first, it was con­cen­trated around the restora­tion of the castle, but quickly it saw its activ­i­ties increase.

The restora­tion works are always a pri­ority and the trans­mis­sion of the tech­nical knowl­edge are part of the pur­poses of the asso­ci­a­tion. Social inte­gra­tion works have also place but also tech­nical training courses and Historic build­ings with Rempart.

The asso­ci­a­tion also intends to make dis­cover to a public more and more increas­ingly the site. The castle receive and organise more­over expo­sures, a fes­tival, two medieval/renais­sance days and rent out a eques­trian lodging.

This is a not-for-profit asso­ci­a­tion, affil­i­ated as of its cre­ation to Rempart’s Union, of which it is a founding member. It oper­ates with a part of self-financing and public sub­si­dies.

The castle is a pri­vate prop­erty but the asso­ci­a­tion manage it. It group together per­ma­nent people, employees and vol­un­tary around a pro­ject of devel­op­ment of the castle. The asso­ci­a­tion is prize winner of the price “Chef d’oeuvre en danger” of 1972.