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    10 centuries


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    the Vessel

    of Cevennes

A Vessel in the Cévennes

Erected in the XIth cen­tury to pro­tect the Regordane way (today the GR 700), the Château de Portes is a com­bi­na­tion of a medieval fortress and a renais­sance bas­tion. It is an unique archi­tec­tural exemple in Europe.

From the ter­race at the top of the castle, 32 metres above ground, one can admire all the val­leys, from the Lozere mount to the Alesian plain. Many cul­tural events are planned all year long. The mon­u­ment is a real “her­itage school” through its REMPART’s restora­tion work for vol­un­teers.